Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Regarding “Shakubuku”

I think that in the future (here in the USA) we will not have to worry too much about Shakubuku, in the traditional sense of seeking out people and sharing directly the Mystic Law. Rather, Shakubuku will come to us the more we become a trusted, strong pillar of society - both as individuals and as the organization of the Soka Gakkai International itself. The beauty of Buddhahood is found within everything throughout a peaceful society. Keep fighting for peace, and you will be doing the work of a Buddha.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Regarding the Mystic Law.

The Mystic Law itself is not religion. Rather, religion’s purpose is to work ever more towards describing the Mystic Law, rather than prescribing how to live or prescribing the parameters of how one “experiences” the beauty and value of this Law.